About John J. Montgomery
John J. Montgomery School is a Kindergarten - Sixth Grade school built in 1975 in the Evergreen School District in East San Jose. Currently our school population
is at 853. The school boundaries include a city park, high school, single family homes, apartments and condominiums. In 1994, we were recognized as a California
Achieving School (Title1). In 1995, we were recognized as a California Distinguished School. In 1996, we were a state finalist in the National Blue Ribbon
competition and represented the Evergreen School District in a successful Coordinated Compliance Review.
We are a microcosm of world cultures and languages. Families have access to school and district communication in the three dominant languages (English, Spanish, Vietnamese). While the growth in diversity over the years has impacted our English Language Development program, it has enriched the multicultural experiences of our children.
Full time employees include the principal, assistant principal/project specialist, classroom teachers, resource specialist, secretary, health office aide, office assistant, media clerk, day and night custodians. Montgomery shares a psychologist, speech and language specialist, English Language Development specialist, media specialist, resource specialist, GATE teacher, and nurse with other schools in the district. Part-time employees include clerks reduced class size Kindergarten assistants, and special education aides.
The school population has a broad socioeconomic base and is ethnically diverse: Asian 34%, Black 7%, Filipino 12%, Hispanic 36% and White 11%. Recent average daily student attendance rate was at 99.08%.
The district-funded instructional programs at Montgomery School are supplemented by School-Based Coordinated Program (SBCP), title 1, Economic Impact Aid (EIA) and Title VI. Kindergarten/first grade students who score below the district defined expectations on criterion-based assessment, and second to sixth grade students who score below the 50th percentile in reading, and/or math on the Stanford Achievement Test are given priority in Montgomery's Title I Schoolwide Program. These students represent 60% of the student body.
The School Site Council has been active in developing, monitoring, and evaluating the school plan. In 1989, they elected to implement a School-Based Coordinated Program using School Improvement funds which enables Montgomery School to use SBCP release days for staff development and parent conferences. In 1993, they voted in include special education in the School-Based Coordinated Program in order to better serve students with special needs. The Leadership Team, the staff, and the School Site Council are all involved in this planning process.
As a result of the shared commitment and mutual effort of staff and parents, children participate in challenging learning experiences in an enriched environment.