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Parent Involvement
The Montgomery staff and parents have collected to ensure accountability for the success of every child. The communication process begins early, as kindergarten parents participate in a Readiness workshop in the spring and return for an orientation in August. At Back to School Night in September, teachers focus their presentations on District Standards of Achievement, opportunities for involvement and leadership, and Home/School partnerships.
Opportunities for parent involvement at Montgomery include the following:
Leadership roles on the School Site Council (SSC), Parent/Teacher
Association (PTA), School Advisory Committee (SAC), English Learners
Acquisition Committee (ELAC)
Back to School Night
Parent/Teacher Conferences
Open House
PTA Meetings
Gifted and Talented Education (GATE) field trips
Volunteers in classrooms, on field trips, and in the first grade garden.
Homework Connection and the PhoneMaster
Parent/Principal Forums, Family Involvement Night
Parent Resource Room
Family Literacy, Math, Science, Art, and Technology Nights
Health Fair
Science Fair
Multicultural Fashion Show
Talent Show
Grandparents Day
Parent Advisory Committee (PAC)
Library assistance with Accelerated Reader textbook cataloging